Burdur Beige Marble is a light beige marble from Turkey, with medium grain and relatively uniform stone background color. It is one of the most soothing marbles for flooring and wall applications. With its classy light beige color, Burdur Beige Marble will suit any kind of furniture indoor or outdoor.
Burdur Beige Marble is a beautiful and famous marble of Turkey with cream color. It presents a stable structure with a quite irregular background and medium grain. The classification of this beige marble will depend on the uniformity of the color of the background and the number of dark or light minerals on the surface of the slab. The top of the Burdur Beige Marble has very few fringes as well as dark, bright minerals. Thanks to its homogenous structure, a high-volume of slabs are demanded in luxury projects and it can work in harmony with other dark natural stones. It is used in indoor flooring, wall covering and column covering areas in all buildings with large areas such as business center, airport, hotel and fairgrounds. Due to the appearance of many vein structures, it is necessary to determine the most suitable vein stones in project-based requests.
PZobrazenie produktu
Item: Burdur Beige Marble
Pôvod: .
Other names: Burdur Cream Marble, Moonstone Cream Marble, Moon Beige Marble, Crema Uno Marble, Crema Bella Marble, Burdur Krem Marble, Burdur Bej Marble, Moon Cream Marble, Crema Royal Marble.
Technical properties
Physical properties | Unit | Average value |
Density | g / m3 | 2.73 |
Hardness | Mohs | 4 |
Water absorption (by volume) | % | 0.70 |
Compressive strength | Kg / m2 | 1019.00 |
Ratio of fullness | % | 99.89 |
Porosity | % | 0.50 |
Inventár: bloky a dosky.
Custom sizes: available upon requests.
Applications: Burdur Beige Marble is an ideal candidate for both luxury and residential, and commercial projects. It behaves excellently in interior design, bathrooms, kitchens, worktops, and showers.
Quanzhou Sourcing Stone Co., Ltd. je profesionálny výrobca kameňa s viac ako 15-ročnými skúsenosťami s vývozom, ktorý sa špecializuje na prírodnú žulu, mramor, travertín, kremenec a pieskovec, ako aj umelý kremeň, terrazzo a umelý mramor. Vďaka moderným spracovateľským zariadeniam, kvalifikovaným pracovníkom a prísnemu kontrolnému systému sme podporili klientov na celom svete viac ako 700 projektmi a získali sme vysoké ocenenie za našu kvalitu a služby. Venujeme sa efektívnym riešeniam v oblasti kameňa a veríme, že vďaka nášmu profesionálnemu manažmentu a kvalifikovanému pracovnému tímu môžeme byť vaším dôveryhodným partnerom.
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